All about the Operation..

Welcome to me. I started this blog as an extention of status updates posted on my facebook account. "Operation:Doin Me" is a collection of self-empowerment tips supported by scriptures from the Bible. Every day the Lord teaches me something about myself and, I in turn, post them online as a way of "paying it forward". My hope is that someone will read and benefit from the life lessons posted here and teach someone else. Happy reading!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Part One "Dressing to Bring the Inner Beauty Out"

What is it about black lace that screams "I'm classy but a little fiesty"? If you can't decide that you're worth looking good for on a day to day basis, how do you expect anyone else to stand up and take notice? Sure, feeling good about yourself comes from a deeper place than just how you look on the outside, but it certainly doesn't hurt. I used to love wearing make-up and putting on heels until I started dating a guy that thought the whole thing was my way of getting other guys to notice me. Before I knew it, you would rarely see me out of my Target uniform or sweats. I wouldn't even comb my hair if I didnt have to, just throw on a scarf and go on about my business. What is it about other people's opinions that make us change who we are?

Positive self-image starts from within, from knowing that our value is more than what people see on the outside. God tells us that He loved us so much, and thought so much of us, that He sent his son to die for us so that we might be saved from the death sentence sin carried. I'm sure many of us have heard this time and time again. Deeper than this, God tells us that, as his daughters, we were made in His image. We were taken from the rib of man to be his companion because no other creature on the Earth at the time was suited for the task. If that's not enough to make you wanna put on your Sunday best every time to step on the scence then I honestly dont know what will. Ladies, we have to take more pride in both how we see ourselves and how we want the world to see us. Start looking at yourself the way God sees you. It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, you have a value in His eyes and work to do for His kingdom. When you walk out of house, let your demeanor (and your outfit) reflect that!

Further Reading:
Gen 2:20-23, Gen 24:15-16, Rom 12:3, Gen 1:27-31, Ps 8:3-5, Mt 10:29-31

1 comment:

  1. So Awesome, I am now a follower so I will be all over this :) keep up the good work!!! and follow me if you can it is about my weight loss journey
